A flippin' donkey. A cart. Pullled by a donkey fired a missile. A DONKEY !!! With all the surveillance technology, weaponry and defensive armaments, what got through? A tank? No. A plane? No. An angry tiger with acid reflux? No. A Mr. Ed wannabe! Also, those moral degenerates that pulled the soldiers from the truck and beat them... I thought we were told that the Iraqis would be grateful. I thought that toppling Saddam was a good thing. I don't know. It's just not right. Take care. ...
A 350 pound man with "intoxicating levels of cocaine, PCP and methanol in his blood". He charges a police officer, who I am presuming is not 350 pounds. The police officers respond with what they had at hand to protect themselves. Because of the fight. The drug intoxicated man dies. It is sad. Jalbert
Well, this is definately a mistake. He's such a stable force in the world. Calm, cool, typical family man. Ward Cleaver for the 21st century. Coforable around people. Just enjoying standing out on the balcony with his child. Taking his children to the zoo. Typical family values kind of guy. A straight shooter. Never two-faced. No alterations to this father's image. Papa Walton has come down from the mountain and has been arrested by the police. Jalbert
How the frig do you take out 9 children, inside a walled yard with a missile strike!!! We have sattelites, spy planes how do you not know what you are shootig at! It's a missile for pete's sake. We want these people to like us or at the most tolerate a whole heck of a lot. I do not understand this Jalbert
That's right ladies and gentlemen. Pentacostal Prisons. Where Leviticus isn't just light bedtime reading, it the LAW. Just think of it. Prisons based on the Krishna befief system; of course we will have to build them close to the airports for their work release program. It's an evangelical trip back to the stoning age. "Dropping the soap" got you worried? Not here brother. Got a desire for self-gratification? Check that at the door. Also, Jewish jurisprudence. Mandatory circumcissions.
If a civilian is killed in a war but is not counted, did they really die? http://www.abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20031210_1042.html I know it won't be accurate, but some amount to know how well our bombs are doing. Jalbert
Ralph Nader is running for president of the United States. Let me repeat that. Ralph Nader is running for president of the United States. Again. I am not sure, but how many states did he carry in the last election? Wasn’t it ZERO !!!! Does he believe that the republicans are going to drop their SITTING PRESIDENT in the middle of several armed conflicts and rally to his banner? So, he must be relying on the Democrats. But he’s not a spoiler. Oh, no. He’s got ideas. Ideas that ...
OK, we saw Janet's breast but no nipple. Question: Why the frig are we surprised !? The show was put on by MTV. Have you seen the videos? How they dress? How the women look in the "dresses" at the Grammy's? I mean come on! I have no problem with the attire if that is what you want to wear. And I know that the vids are selling an image. Now, I am all for artistic expression, and the nude body is a beautiful thing that has impired great works of art, song and literature, but if you are pr...
I was thinking, by listening to the radio stations and the religious stations I get an idea of what they want. The question I have is if we return to the "christian values" this nation was supposedly founded upon, how will the new leaders deal with the "jewish values", "muslim values" and the other relions that currently co-exist in our society. Yes, I know it is not a completely peaceful co-existence, but do you think it would be better with leaders who think you are an ungodly abomination? ...
I listen to the radio too much. A few religious right stations. I have too many questions about the "other side" that have no real answers, or that people do not want to discuss, or can't discuss without getting angry or insulting, or resorting to rhetoric. Was there ever a grand plan? If there was a plan, I do not know if it was a good one. It might have been at the start. But things happen, things change, undocumented features pop up. If this is still the plan, a project review is defi...
So, after we move up our evacuation timetable and get the flock out of dodge (for pete's sake, do not use choppers) and the various Iraqis and their well armed political parties (they may not have WMD, but they do have WAD, weapons of adequate destruction) hold their "elections", how long before there are minor dissagreements with the results? Question, when we do leave and Iraq returns to the tenets of its faith, how quickly will women's rights vaporize? I'm betting 12:01 am, November 3rd...
OK, this could be fun. Yes, I could do a Goebbels joe right now, but let's wait and see. Could the "network" do an even-handed job in it's reporting? Yes. Could this end up being an "isn't the US wonderful, ignore that dead body" hack-job? Sure. When you buy a blue car, you do not want to receive a yellow one, and the government is paying for the network. Some people are blasting this idea without seeing the product. If "C-SPAN Baghdad" gives us both the good and bad, it might be good to ...
In an extremely bizarre take on the separation of church and state the mental giants in the French government have decided to prohibit the wearing of headscarves, jewish skullcaps and large christian crosses by students in state schools. This is of course, and rightly so, torquing off the Muslims, whose religious beliefs require a ladies hair to be covered when out in public. Why, its what their holy book says. According to the AP: "Chirac's request capped months of debate about ...
Yes, we have the dictator who did horrible things to his people. Yes, he should be put on trial and tried for his crimes. (who wants to be the guy defending him?). But where? Iraq? They're probalby building the gallows as I write this. The UN? They'll convict, but not execute. Which will placate the British and the Vatican, but anger the Iraqis and Afgans. And what about speaking inone own defense? Ashcroft gets twitchy when "enemy combatants" want to peak with lawyers. Whaty happens when ...
Your local Library will probably have a display of books that you shouldn't be reading. Visit them and see the "scary" books. In fact, here is a list of the most dangerous books: Link Enjoy them while you can. IG