How hard is it to be nice?
Published on September 12, 2005 By InfoGeek In Current Events
OK, we almost lost Texas today. Not the state, the person, and I are very angry!

Now, there is a great deal of arguments on JU. There are three general ideologies at play, but it seems that the possible departure was not caused by the actual argument. It was no caused by a person stating a position that was completely disgusting to Texas, no; I saw the post and comment thread. There was an ideological disagreement to be sure and it was slowly entering a stalemate, but it also devolved into something worse.

One side became uncivil. Now incivility is the norm on some posts and it is generally accepted by some, but not me or Texas. She had a valid opinion. It was not shared by several but it was valid. And she was ridiculed, and was spoken to with condescension.

Her opinion was belittled. I happen to think that all opinions that are thought out to some degree have validity. Also, lack of experience in a particular area does not negate the validity of the opinion. If I tell my wife that Felix Fossodity is an idiot, she may form the same opinion. She does not know the man, but she values my judgment.

But back to civility. The act of basically being nice to the person you are talking to. You may never agree with them, but be nice.

LW and I will probably never have the same view on many things, but we �talk�, discuss and are civil, even thought from the TONE of her writings, she thinks I am very wrong.

Its compassionate conservatism right?


on Sep 13, 2005