Hello: With regard to the homosexual question, from what I am reading I these blogs, it seems to me that there are basically 3 ways of seeing the Bible: 1. The Bible is the exact word of God. God told the writers what to put down, and they did. 2. The Bible is the inspired word of God. The authors heard God speak to them or saw visions and wrote down what they heard and saw. This was within the culture and belief of the day. The Bible here is seen as heavenly guidelines for actions. ...
A new brain trust: Link Now, my dear abortion protest group, I know that you were probably in a hurry and really "jonesing" to demonstate christian love and compassion by yelling at this man through a bullhorn , displaying grotesque photos and genle godly harrassment. But please, next time. Get your nose out of your Bible book and into a flippin' PHONE BOOK! For harrassment ot be truly effective, the person has to know they are being harrassed. I mean this is not rocket science. Yo...
Do you think Jesus was a dude? As in “Dude, want to get some beers and watch the game at my house?” Do you think he could just be “one of the guys”? Or was he always on message/ We know he went to parties, but could he really let his hair down? Could he just “shoot the breeze”? Could he just stand with Hank Hill and Boomhaur? Yes. Waste time! Could he just sit with his friends and waste an hour or two doing nothing? IG
I was listening in church last Sunday and the priest mentioned the second coming, and I started thinking, why is the second coming a good thing? I mean yes, we will all see heaven and God and be eternally happy. But what is “happy”. Being happy means different things to different people. For LW, happiness is a riding crop and vampire gloves, for Brad – Michael Moore with a perpetual case of the trots and code that compiles without errors. But let’s assume that there is some sort of univer...
A few years ago I went to a Christian get-together with a friend. Now, I am Catholic and at one point they asked the members of the audience to be “saved” and come to the front of the stage. Since this really wasn’t for me I remained seated with my friend. A lady came over to me. Apparently they wanted everyone up there. And she asked me a question: “Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?” I replied that I believed He influenced the writing, but the words were written down b...