and when he said it.
Published on September 23, 2004 By InfoGeek In Religion
A few years ago I went to a Christian get-together with a friend. Now, I am Catholic and at one point they asked the members of the audience to be “saved” and come to the front of the stage. Since this really wasn’t for me I remained seated with my friend. A lady came over to me. Apparently they wanted everyone up there. And she asked me a question:
“Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?”
I replied that I believed He influenced the writing, but the words were written down by people and people have changed the words throughout time.
“So, you do not believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God?”
No. I asked her: “How do you know the Bible is the true word of God?
“That is what is written in the Bible.”

At that point we kind of left. And my friend left me.

My question is this: Aside from the Bible, faith in the Bible, and religious tradition, is there any other secular source that informs that the Bible is the Word of God?


on Sep 23, 2004
No...because there is no secular source that confirms there is a God to have written it. I myself do not believe in God, so I don't think I am the best person to answer questions directed to a Christian audience.
on Oct 11, 2004
None. TheFazz said it rightly. There is nothing in the secular world that will prove the bible is the word of God.
on Oct 14, 2004
I just read your query and this thought came to me. The secular world itself proves the Bible infallible.

the Book is filled with prophecies that only a supreme being could give and fullfil. It also gives perfect direction to all who approach it in faith. It deals with sin in that it remedies it. The Word cleanses us from all un-righteousness that afflicts us here in the secular world. Here is something to think about; .... God searches the world for those who fear Him to show Himself mighty unto them.