Mike Tyson, the poster boy for vegetarians and the well-adjusted has been granted a license to fight in New Jersey. Let me say that again. Mike Tyson, spokesperson for NOW and the "Bobcat" Golthwaite charm school has been granted permission to box in New Jersey. IG
OK, now I admit I am not an artistic savvy person. I generally have to have the new age, impressionistic art explained to me. But, we are talking Athens. The birthplace of democracy. Artists for centuries have carved the “likenesses” of Athena and Apollo in stone and painted them on canvass. And, in Athens, the birthplace of the Olympics, who did they choose to represent these ancient gods? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5651091/?GT1=4529 Teletubbies on steroids. Come on!!!! We are ta...