Was there ever a plan? A heretic asks.
Published on January 28, 2004 By InfoGeek In Current Events
I listen to the radio too much. A few religious right stations. I have too many questions about the "other side" that have no real answers, or that people do not want to discuss, or can't discuss without getting angry or insulting, or resorting to rhetoric.

Was there ever a grand plan? If there was a plan, I do not know if it was a good one. It might have been at the start. But things happen, things change, undocumented features pop up. If this is still the plan, a project review is definately in order.

Is there evil the the world? Yes. Is everyone? No. I think we forget that, at least the people on the radio do.


on Jan 28, 2004
Religion has been used for tens of thousands of years to control the masses through fear. Almost every religion, mythos or legend has had their dark gods and their light gods. Almost all religions used fear as a way to force people in life to do what was needed for the race of humanity to thrive in the form of society. When God started failing and rock n' roll was blamed for the degredation of society media became the "media" which would wield the most power in creating the new fear and control.

Take Christianity for example: They claim you have freewill. Sure the freewill to do what your told or burn in hell. ~chuckles~ doesn't sound like a whole lot of freewill involved there. It also says things like don't fight against your government. Do good to those that hate you and be kind too your enemies. Pray for those that curse you. But all I have seen in the history books is jealousy and murder between religions. Hell, in Ireland and the Middle east they kill each other over denominational differences even though they use the same damn book and have the same damn savior. They don't even like themselves! I speak of Christianity, Muslim in their whole, because I have met some damn fine christians who were more than decent people as well as kind muslims. On a one to one basis there are some damn good ones out there. Religion must be hypocritical in order to survive (with very very few exceptions). If you were that kind and always turned your other cheek then you would be wiped out unless you had sex and multiplied very quickly ~chuckles~

In the end only you can decide what is right and/or wrong for yourself. Do yourself a favor too. Check out the Nag Hammadi library and the Gnostic religion. Modern day Christians don't even acknowledge it. The Roman Catholic Church tried to ensure its destruction when they wiped out all other Christian sects to create the Orthodoxy. Oops the one that got away! :0)