The great misunderstanding: the sequel
Published on January 26, 2004 By InfoGeek In Current Events
So, after we move up our evacuation timetable and get the flock out of dodge (for pete's sake, do not use choppers) and the various Iraqis and their well armed political parties (they may not have WMD, but they do have WAD, weapons of adequate destruction) hold their "elections", how long before there are minor dissagreements with the results?
Question, when we do leave and Iraq returns to the tenets of its faith, how quickly will women's rights vaporize? I'm betting 12:01 am, November 3rd 2004.

This is not going to end well.

on Jan 26, 2004
We are at 507 American bodies and counting, and that is just since "Major Hostilities Ceased". I could care less what these people do to themselves after we leave. We were told there were bombs to kill Citizens in our Cities that would be carried out to our Country if we didn't go. They are not there and Sadam is in custody. We completed the mission admirably in the overall and should let our best and brightest come home to help their own families.

I do agree there will be a horrid genocidal slaughter of their own, as it appears that Bush & Co. are already supporting the Kurds financially and stopping free elections from occuring. It is, and will be American foreign policy to bless other Nations with such conditions as long as oil Companies and wealthy donors control our election system, and we kow-tow to religious fanatics and well-known Empires.