One more empty chair
Published on November 30, 2004 By InfoGeek In Politics
Now, this could be me not understanding the political realm, but is anyone else a little bothered by the fact that the US is at war and over 1/2 of the President's cabinet has retired? Including the Sec. of State, Defense and Homeland Security.

Yes, this could be politics as usual, but this is not a usual situation.


on Dec 01, 2004
I find it interresting that they're not even waiting till the beginning of bush's second term. Right after the election, they're jumping ship. Kind of makes me wonder if his own cabinet was hoping he'd lose.
on Dec 01, 2004
.......You know, there are only a few explanations for this. I made the analogy of rats and a sinking ship, and I didn't think it was a bad one, necessarly, but let's go down the list of the most known:

Powell: Wasn't particularly known for supporting the war in Iraq. Seen by many as the most moderate voice in the cabinet.
Ashcroft: Right wing nut job who's only contribution was the Patriot Act (damaging enough, sure, but it's really served it's purpose) and providing us with the horror of hearing him sing in Michael Moore's movie. Oh, and he lost his a dead guy.
Ridge: Some maverick that can't even help get funding for post 9/11 passed. It's not really his fault, granted, but the Department of Homeland Security seems like it's done what it's gonna do for the moment, and since things are becoming status quo, Ridge is probably not seen as necessary.

I think Bush is asking for resignations, personally. Ashcroft did what he had to do, so while useful, he's just more harmful on the cabinet. Bush doesn't need any dissenters, he's very 'you're with me or against me', and Rice is black and female, so bye, bye Colin. And a white guy torn apart by the fact that Congress ain't helping him and he seems not to be helping himself.

I could make an article out of this, I've had this theory floating around. Yay or nay?