What is a father to do?
Published on November 22, 2004 By InfoGeek In Home & Family
The Old Man paced the room. A young man works at a drafting table, another reads. A young woman places a vase or roses on the table. “Sit down, you’re wearing a path in the carpet. Besides you know when Julie and her friend Emma will be here.”

“You mean her lesbian friend. Call it what it is Mary.” The Old Man replies.

“Fine, her lesbian friend, Emma. Happy?”

“She knows how I feel about this. How could she do this!!!” The Old Man says. Falling deliberately into a chair.

With a slight breeze, two women enter the room. Both are average height. One is blonde in a blouse and skirt. The other is brunette and is in jeans and a shirt. The man who was reading puts down his book and embraces first the blond then the brunette.

“Hello again Julie. Hello Emma. Welcome to my fathers house. It is good to see you again.” The man takes both by the hand and leads them over to The Old Man. The Old Man stands up. The ladies are slightly trembling. They reach for each others hands.

“Jesse!” The Old Man says, “this is no time for niceties.”

“There is always time for kindness. It’s what I do. You’re the anger and vengeance part”

“Well, there was that time in the temple…” Mary says to Jesse with a smile.


“Julie”, The Old Man turns addressing the woman. “I spoke to you about this. You know how I feel. How could you do this! My own daughter!” The Old Man’s voice rising in anger and volume.

“I don’t know it just happened. I was lonely and then she was there and it felt so right.” She said quickly, words running together.

“I even wrote it down!”

“Over two thousand years ago.” Jesse looked at The Old Man. “And to be clear, you didn’t specifically write it down. Someone else did.”

“You’re taking her side? I told them what to write!”

“And do you expect them, after two millennium to follow the writings exactly? Do you really want to revisit Torquemada... Salem…. The Crusades. Exact words without compassion, without thought?

“No, but they should know what to follow and what to leave behind.”

“They have not heard from you in that time.” Mary said glancing at the man at the drafting table.

“And there are some of us who can’t stop themselves from little trips to talk to them.”

The Old Man turns addressing the two ladies. “You will stop this immediately!”

“We can’t Father. We are too lonely with out the other.” Replies Julie in tears.

“We cannot go back from the happiness we found.” Said Emma.

“I will not be disobeyed!!!” The Old Man took a step towards the ladies.

“Father!” Jesse called.

“Peace my Lord” Mary said, placing a hand on His arm.

The Old Man turned around. “You. Joseph. You have been quiet. You’re into all these social causes and family. What do you think?”

The man put down his pencil and looked at the group. “If Julie truly is your daughter, then the decision is made. There is nothing a child can do that is beyond the forgiveness and compassion of a father. Even if the child rejects the father and does not seek forgiveness, the forgiveness is still given for that is the way of fathers. We love unconditionally, forgive any injury and insult and welcome them into our house.”

“He has never forgotten the temple.” Jesse thought to himself.

The Old Man looked at Joseph, now drawing again. He then looked at the two ladies. He slowly sat down in the chair. “ You two had better get back.”

The ladies moved to the door. Julie grabbed the know and opened it.”

“Julie,” The Old Man said, “I expect to see you at Supper on Sunday.”

“Yes, Father” Julie said sadly.

”And, bring your partner” The Old Man said barey getting out the last word.

“Yes, Father”

Julie and Emma pass through the door.

“It was easier in the old days. A burning bush, a few plagues and..” The Old Man started.

“Thy will be done...” continued Jesse.

“On a changing Earth…” said Mary”

“That is so different than Heaven” finished Joseph.


on Nov 22, 2004
That's a nice little story
on Nov 22, 2004
so....in other words...Jesus is going against the Father, but the Father is all about death and judgement (in spite of teh written word, John 3:16).....Jesus is ok with homosexuality....in spite of what Jesus did with sinners.....he never condoned sin, he told the woman who was caught in adultery to "go and sin no more"....not to "go, continue what you do, because I love you".....

Really not sure what the point of this is, other than to say that God is hateful and full of anger and indignation towards someone who is only doing something that is "natural"....where as Jesus is just "A-OK" with it all....bringing discord and division between the Godhead.....hmmmm....Jesus even said that he never spoke a word, unless it was the words His Father had given him....

"cute" story here....right....
on Nov 22, 2004
Really not sure what the point of this is,

Don't worry about it.
Actually, no one expresses an actual opinion except The Old Man.