Manager for the Iraqi Project
Published on November 20, 2004 By InfoGeek In Current Events
Hank Jacobson, Head Supervisor of the US Armed Services Union, picks up a phone and dials a number:

Hank: Hello, Mr. Bush, Hank Jacobson. First, congratulations on your recent performance review. All the service men are here for you. Now, the reason I called, you started the Iraq project we supplied the manpower for the deconstruction and reconstruction of the site. We were all behind the idea of taking out the terrorists, making the country safe and giving the site a new look and a step toward democracy…..

Thank you Mr. Bush.

Mr. Bush, it’s been almost 2 years since the first of our members went to the site. And some have come back and some won’t…..

Yes, sir, there is price to be paid for freedom….

Yes sir, if we give in to fear, we give in to the terrorists.

Yes sir, we should finish what we start.

Yes, sir, we can never show weakness. But sir, I just have one question. When can we expect our members back?

Yes. I know they have leaves and the internet, but the families of the my members are getting concerned .

Yes sir, they are the backbone for our fighting personnel. But I am getting calls and letters from Texas and Hawaii asking me when the soldiers will come home.

Yes sir, these things do take time. Yes sir, unforeseen events do happen and can alter plans, unions know all about that, but if you could give us a timeline or at least a timeframe. It would do a lot to ease the worries for our families here.

No, sir, I am not trying to put any constraints on the mission. Yes sir, terrorists are plotting and no not have schedules. Yes sir, we need to stay ever ready.

Thank you sir.

Hank Jacobson, Head Supervisor hangs up the phone.

Woman comes in to office: What did he say?

Hank: He didn’t know.


on Nov 20, 2004
This is very interesting, IG. I think it really reflects the concerns and feelings of many service members and their families in a respectful and realistic way. It's a very creative way to put it as well. I gave you an Insightful for this.