It's not much, but it's something
Published on November 15, 2004 By InfoGeek In Current Events
OK, So I was reading the messages that I missed over the weekend. And I read the one from Texas Wahine about how her December is in the dumper. and the JU people offered words of encouragement.

Now Dear Abby has this letter writing campaign for the troops, which due to Armed Forces mail is over, but I thought, one card can cross the states in a matter of days, seconds for an e-card.

So, my question to the JU community. Is there an organization that sends cards to the folks back home? Sort of like, we are thinking of you and thank you for your immeasurable sacrifice? Or does any organization exist that has lists of famiies in the service. We could each send an unaddressed card with well wishes to a "clearing house" for them to distribute.

Just a thought.


on Nov 15, 2004

I don't believe that there is such an organization.  I'll check with the family support center at the Air firce base I live on tomorrow, though.  If anyone would know, they would.

Everyone focuses (and rightly so) on the active duty member.  Us spouses kind of get forgotten about.

on Nov 15, 2004
Wow, InfoGeek. I think this is an awesome idea. I think something like this would mean a lot to the families of the soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen serving overseas, and I'm sure they would be happy to hear that their fellow countrymen were doing something encouraging and uplifting for their families in their absence.
on Nov 15, 2004
So, my question to the JU community. Is there an organization that sends cards to the folks back home? Sort of like, we are thinking of you and thank you for your immeasurable sacrifice? Or does any organization exist that has lists of famiies in the service. We could each send an unaddressed card with well wishes to a "clearing house" for them to distribute.

I know that the family readiness groups (as the Army calls them) are supposed to support families while the service members are deployed. They very often fail. But I don't know if there is an organization that does this from the outside. If you live anywhere near a military base, you might be able to call the community center on the base and find out if they know anything. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Also, as for the now defunct Dear Abby campaign, there are other organizations trying to do something similar. Locomama posted about here - Last Letters. Hope you don't mind me plugging her blog here.