Published on September 30, 2004 By InfoGeek In Philosophy
I mean, you usually think to either solve a problem, consider possible future events (ie. “what could happen on this trip?”) or to enter the realm of imagination.

But God, as we are told, is omniscient. He knows everything. Past, present and future. And omnipotent. He can do anything.

So, if there is truly no problem that exists for you, all future events are known to you and there is not anything you cannot create. Do you think?

Rene Descarte walks into a bar. Bartender asks, “Do you want a drink?”. Descarte replies, “I think not.”. And disappears. (from, Robin Williams)


on Sep 30, 2004
Correct, GOD has no need to "think" as we define that human attribute. Our universe I think is like a great big bubble with actual ends. Beyond those ends of this sphere/universe is heaven. Think of blowing a bubble and it floats away in the air, well that's what we are. Jesus states in the New Testament that Heaven is UP. Therefore, no matter where you stood on the earth, Heaven would be up. The question which begs to be answered is: How far up is up? We are ignorant on this score. The cosmos/universe is immense, however space is not a consideration for GOD. Up to Heaven may be a Google light ears (a google is a 1 followed by 100 zeros) or even a Google of Google light years. God is everywhere. You don't need to go to Heaven to find God. Actually Heaven is equated to God in the Bible. God is Heaven is God.

If you are truly interested in the attributes of God, then the most exhaustive treatment of that subject is a book (two volumes) by Stephen Charnock. He was born in London in 1628. He preached many discourses on "The Existence and Attributes of GOD". The book is not easy to read as the text is exactly as was spoken in that era, but you can get through it. You need either an excellent knowledge of the Bible or have a Bible nearby when reading Charnock's book. Once you grasp the subject matter you will find it quite mind blowing. Your view of God will be dramatically changed. As I said, the book is not something you pick up and read like a novel. If interested the ISBN is: 0-8010-2437-4 (both volumes have same ISBN).