Published on August 20, 2004 By InfoGeek In Current Events
Now I understand that there are some believers who take every word of the Bible as the exact word of God and must be followed exactly. I understand that. If that gets you through the dark times of the night, great. I am not that explicit with the bible. So, while I am not a Bible scholar, I think that through Mass, Catholic school, meeting with priests and sermons, I have a good “take” on Jesus. Love, compassion, “the way”. A good guy.

Now, I read this story: Link

Does the Catholic chuch really think its founder, who wanted children to hear him, who chastized his friends when they pushed them away, would deny a little girl the serenity of knowing him because of WHEAT????

It's just a little nuts.


on Aug 20, 2004

one more reason to discount the existence of god.  any supreme being worth the title should be easily able to transubstantiate into rice cakes...or cardboard.  it just confirms my long-held suspicion that there were a couple guys breathing thru reeds while supporting a 4x8 sheet of lucite just below the surface of the sea of galilee during that 'one small step for the son of man...one giant step for the son of man' first walk on water incident.

on Aug 20, 2004
Hmm, I don't recall seeing the word "wheat" in the bible.