Jews need not apply
Published on September 28, 2005 By InfoGeek In Current Events
I have read a few online articles about this and I wanted to know if anyone else saw this.

Apparently, if you receive federal money you have to abide by federal anti-discriminatory guidelines, i.e. you cannot discriminate against a persons race, or religion, etc.

A rider was attached to a bill for the “reauthorization” of the Head Start program with removes that condition and the program can exclude people with certain beliefs when they are hiring.

Did anyone else see this?


on Sep 28, 2005
on Sep 28, 2005
I hadn't heard of it, but looked it up. According to the Congressional Rearch Service (CRS), it bill allows faith based organizations to qualify for headstart funding. I don't see anything in the bill about hiring practices though...

Sec. 7) Includes community-based or faith-based organizations among the entities that may be designated as Head Start agencies.

Requires eligible entities, in order to be designated as Head Start agencies and receive financial assistance initially and subsequently, to establish and demonstrate they have met measurable goals for: (1) school readiness of participating children; (2) meeting performance standards; (3) educational instruction in pre-reading, pre-mathematical, and language skills; and (4) provision of health, educational, nutritional, social, and other services related to school readiness. Requires such entities to align Head Start curricula with state-developed academic content standards and the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework developed by the Secretary.

Directs the Secretary to give priority in designation of Head Start agencies to those that: (1) are receiving Head Start assistance; (2) meet or exceed certain program, financial, and education standards; (3) have no unresolved area of noncompliance and have not been deemed deficient since the most recent designation; (4) employ qualified staff and provide ongoing professional development opportunities; (5) have an independent board of directors to provide direction and actively oversee all program activities; and (6) meet other criteria relating to adequate enrollment, curricula, child development outcomes, classroom environment, partnerships with various entities, fiscal controls, state child care licensing, parental involvement, and outreach to at-risk families.

Requires the Secretary, when no entity in a community has priority, to conduct an open competition among qualified applicants in such community. Directs the Secretary, in selecting from among qualified applicants for designation, to consider the effectiveness of each applicant to provide Head Start services, based on specified factors.
on Sep 28, 2005
It was in an amendment to H.R. 2123 amendment 574:


on Sep 28, 2005've got me stumped.

hasn't passed the senate yet, though.
on Sep 28, 2005
A Senate vote on an amendment tailor-made to Bush's core base?

Right. That won't pass.